Valentines Butterflies

Kids Korner with Kenz

What’s better than sharing some sweets with your Valentine?

This year, help kids create the cutest homemade Valentines to wow their friends with a fun handmade butterfly filled with Valentine candies.

Start by choosing an assortment of your favourite candies, you could pick pink, white, and red ones for the occasion. Then, fill a snack sized ziplock bag about ¾ of the way full with your candies and twist it in the middle creating 2 little compartments of candy.

Now, you are going to need a wooden clothespin and a pink or red marker or paint. Colour the whole clothespin – front and back.

Now, where you twisted your bag down the middle, clip your clothespin to the bag to keep it twisted.

Once your clothespin is in place, glue two googly eyes on the top of the pin, attach a pink pipe cleaner to the inside top of the wooden clothespin and bend the pipe cleaner into curly antennae.

Once you have finished making your butterfly, you can be extra special and add a little note. Your note can simply say “Happy Valentine’s Day” or you can stay with our theme of butterflies and say something like “You Give Me Butterflies, Valentine!”.

Finally, your last step is to give your beautiful butterfly creation to your Valentines! This is a cute and inexpensive little gift to send to school or daycare (or work – we see you too, adults) that any receiver is sure to enjoy.