Turning Winter Woes into WOOF’ing Good Times!
Winter in Ontario consists of short days, icy and snowy walkways, and sometimes deep freeze temperatures. Many dogs love the snow, but these weather conditions can make it difficult and dangerous to get outside and play with our dogs.
The common sense dangers for our dogs in winter include: being unattended in freezing temperatures can cause disorientation and frost bite, open water or thin ice on lakes is dangerous for everyone, salt and ice melting chemicals for sidewalks can be toxic and irritate paws, and small amounts of antifreeze ingestion can cause kidney failure and death. On those frightful winter days we need some indoor games to play with our dogs!
Structured play with your dog is important for strengthening the human animal bond. Play also helps build confidence, promotes physical and mental well-being, and reduces stress and anxiety for both dogs and people.
Here are a few indoor games to play with your dog.
1. Hide and seek. Hide in the house (maybe with a treat) and let your dog find you. You may need a friend to sit with your dog, so you have a chance to hide. This game is also a great way to teach recall.
2. Roll the dice. Number tricks (e.g. sit, down, speak) 1 through 6, then roll the dice and cue your dog to do which ever command comes up.
3. Food puzzles help keep the mind sharp and slow down their eating.
4. Blow bubbles for your dog to catch.
5. Hide toys in the house and have your dog find them.
6. Set up an indoor agility course.
7. Brush their teeth. Ask your veterinarian how to do this.
8. Teach them to jump through a hoop.
9. Learn a new trick such as ring a bell, put their toys away, or roll over.
10. Play the three-cup game and give your dog a treat when they pick the right cup.
Use your imagination. Please share your games and tricks with your friends.
Have a great winter and stay playful!
Dr. Christine, Norwood Veterinary Services