FEATUREDHome & Cottage

The Lucky Ones

After a summer that seemed to whirl by in a haze of scorching heat and  sudden downpours, I’ve finally managed to steal away a few days to head north, back to where my soul feels most at peace—Kelly Lake in Haliburton.

The hustle and bustle of July’s sweltering days, punctuated by the unpredictable dance of raindrops, have finally given way to the calm embrace of late summer, gently tiptoeing into autumn. It’s a time when the Kawartha Lakes and Haliburton area, already stunning, transforms into something almost otherworldly with the reds and oranges of maples.

As I drove along the familiar roads that wind their way towards Kelly Lake, I couldn’t help but notice the early signs of fall. The leaves, already beginning their annual transformation, flaunted splashes of bright yellow and burnt orange, peeking through the lingering green. It’s a reminder that change is inevitable, yet it always brings its own kind of beauty. The air feels fresher up here—cleaner, crisper, a refreshing contrast to the muggy nights of July. The mornings are cool now, cool enough to swap out the well-worn flip-flops for wool socks and toques.

There’s a quietness that envelops the lake in the fall, a stillness that feels like it’s been waiting patiently all summer long to be fully appreciated. The chill in the air is a welcome friend after the relentless heat, and it pairs perfectly with the vibrant colours painting the landscape. The forest around the lake seems to hum with a kind of contentment, as if it knows that it’s time to rest, to shed its summer attire and prepare for the long sleep of winter.

But before that happens, there’s still time to savour the lake life that we, the fortunate ones who call the Kawarthas home (even if just for the weekends), hold so dear. Yes, the water has cooled, but that won’t stop me from taking a brisk morning swim. There’s something invigorating about the cold water, something that reminds you you’re alive, here, in this moment. There’s nothing quite like the comfort of wrapping up in a towel and sitting on the dock, hands warming around a steaming cup of coffee as you watch the mist rise off the lake.

This is a life we should never take for granted. We are the lucky ones who get to open our doors and step into this living painting. To feel the forest around us, to touch the lake, to breathe in the essence of the Kawartha Lakes. So, welcome, fall. It’s nice to see you again. You’ve been missed.

By Danielle McNelly, Nortech Windows, Doors & Sunrooms
