DAYTRIPPINGFEATURED July 30, 2023July 28, 2023 Cottage Country 406 Views 705 934-1450, angling, arrow, bait, bass, beds, blade, boat, Bobcaygeon, bubble, Buckhorn, Buzzbaits, Canada, CCC Publications, Chuggers, Communities in Cottage Country, Community, cottage, Cottage Country, Cottage Country Connection, cottage country lifestyle, Cottage Country Lifestyle Magazine, Cottage Country Magazine, Cottage Life, Crawfish, docks, double, evening, family, feather, Fenelon Falls, fish, fishing, Floating Worms, foraging, frogs, GOAT Angling Adventures, Haliburton, home, Kawartha Lakes, kawartha magazine, Kawarthas, Kawarthas Magazine, lakefield, Lifestyle Magazine, lily, lily pad, Lindsay, market, Memories, Mike Quesnelle, morning, mouths, Ontario, Perch, Peterborough, Poppers, prey, Rock Bass, shady, sinking, Soft Bodied Frogs, speed, spinning, spring, summer, Sunfish, tackle, Things to do, topwater, triple, vegetation, Walking Baits, water, worms, Your Lifestyle Magazine It’s Topwater Time! Ask anyone who knows me what my favorite way to fish is and you will get the same answer over Read More