FEATUREDOutdoors April 3, 2023April 1, 2023 Cottage Country 931 Views 705 934-1450, aggressive, anglers, bait, baitcasting, Balsam Lake, bass, biting, Bobcaygeon, braided, Buckhorn, Canada, Communities in Cottage Country, Community, Cottage Country, Cottage Country Connection, cottage country lifestyle, Cottage Country Lifestyle Magazine, Cottage Country Magazine, Cottage Life, Crappie, cut, electric trolling, equipment, family, Fenelon Falls, fingers, firm, fish, fishing, flaky, frozen, GOAT Angling Adventures, good luck, Haliburton, home, ice, itch, jaw spreader, Jerk baits, Kawartha Lakes, kawartha magazine, Kawarthas, Kawarthas Magazine, Kids, lakefield, lakes, Lifestyle Magazine, Lindsay, line, lures, March, May, melts, Mike Quesnelle, Northern Pike, Northerns, Ontario, outside, Peterborough, Pike, pliers, rock, rod, shallow, sharp teeth, snack sized, snow, spawn, spinner, Spinnerbaits, spinning reels, spook, spring, summer, tasty, teeth, Things to do, Walley, Walleye, weed, white flesh, wire leader, Your Lifestyle Magazine Pike to the Rescue! As the snow melts away and the ice on the frozen lakes recede, many anglers are feeling the itch of the Read More