FEATUREDHome & Cottage

Bird Friendly Peterborough

Bird feeding is for the birds, for their benefit first, and ours second. We need to take responsibility for their welfare and enjoy feeding our birds by following safe practices that prioritize their health.   Often overlooked compared to price and design, disease management is the single most important issue to consider when making your selection of bird feeder type. We do not want to do more harm than good!

Why is disease management such an issue for bird feeder birds?

Birds are highly mobile and are constantly moving back and forth between multiple feeders. All this movement creates the perfect environment for diseases to spread; and unfortunately, the diseases of bird feeders can infect nearly all bird species. Additionally, many bird species are gregarious – meaning that they live in groups for mutual protection and defense. This close proximity when roosting, eating, and foraging – combined with their high degree of mobility, creates a perfect storm for disease transmission. 

The ideal bird feeder:

• Can be easily disassembled and cleaned at least weekly!  Many are dishwasher safe,
which is the easiest way to remove disease agents.

• Manufactured from plastic, steel or glass because they are easier to clean and
disinfect.  Do not use any bird feeders made from wood or clay as those porous
materials trap and hold disease agents.

•  Smaller and with fewer feeding ports.  Small feeders are best because they do not
allow large numbers of birds to congregate and feed at one time which greatly
reduces contact rates that could permit disease transmission. Additionally, small
feeders empty quickly which prevents seeds from getting wet or spoiled.

•  Placed far away from hazards such as windows and widely separated from other
feeders to minimize contact.

• Squirrel and Predator Proof!
