FEATUREDPeople January 21, 2023January 19, 2023 Cottage Country 461 Views Bobcaygeon, bubbly, Buckhorn, Canada, CCC Publications, Christmas, Communities in Cottage Country, Community, cottage, Cottage Country, Cottage Country Connection, cottage country lifestyle, Cottage Country Lifestyle Magazine, Cottage Country Magazine, Cottage Life, dances, family, Fenelon Falls, grade school, grandpa, Haliburton, holiday, home, horse, Kawartha Lakes, kawartha magazine, Kawarthas, Kawarthas Magazine, lakefield, Lifestyle Magazine, Lindsay, living room, meat, Memories, new year, Ontario, parents, Peterborough, pocket watch, porch, rabbit, Russ Sanders, senior, songs, summer, teens, Things to do, those were the days, tradition, war, water, weekend at the cottage, yesteryear, Your Lifestyle Magazine THOSE WERE THE DAYS: “New Years Are Happy” It was tradition for my family to gather on our front porch to say good bye to the old and Read More